If you’re searching for a dynamic and exciting place to enjoy quality family time, turn to Bloomington Public Library. The Library’s Children’s Department offers entertaining and educational programming, interactive activity kits, and shelves full of books and graphic novels which are sure to spark interest and curiosity in readers of all ages.
Student Library Accounts
Bloomington Public Library and Normal Public Library partner with District 87 and Unit 5 to provide a Student Library Account to any student who does not already possess an existing library account. Student Accounts allow check out of up to three physical items from the library, access to all the library’s online resources, and use of the teenZone for those in Grades 6-12. Any Student Account can be upgraded to a full-access Library Card if the student’s parent or guardian visits the Library with the student and proof of their current Bloomington address.
1000 Books Before Kindergarten Reading Program
It is never too early to start reading to kids! An early predictor of school achievement is being read to during childhood, and Bloomington Public Library’s 1000 Books Before Kindergarten reading program is here to help. This year-round, continuous program is designed to help parents and caregivers prepare children for kindergarten. Children age newborn to 5 years who have not yet started kindergarten may join this self-paced program.
To get started, stop by the Children’s Department and pick up a reading log, or print your reading log from home using the PDFs below. (Each reading log represents 100 books toward your goal.) As your child celebrates completing 100 books, 500 books, and finally 1000 books, their name will be added to our wall and they’ll receive a special tote bag reserved for those who reach the 1000-book milestone. For questions or help call 309.828.6091 or email reference@bloomingtonlibrary.org.
Use these links to print your reading logs from home:
Events for Kids & Teens
Diversity Mural
Diversity Mural
Join us in celebrating Black History Month by visiting the library during the month of February and creating a self-portrait to add to our Diversity Mural.
Teen Book Valentines
Celebrate love ... for books!
In TeenZone, throughout the month of February, teens are encouraged to take some time to write a love letter to their favorite book to let the book know what it means to them.
Snowman Poppers & Winter Fun
On this day without school, join us at the library for some winter fun!
Those who visit will have an opportunity to make Snowman Poppers and take part in snowy challenges.
English Language Conversation Group
English Language Conversation Group
The English Language Conversations Group, offered in partnership with STAR Adult Literacy, is designed for adults for whom English is a second language.
Lapsit Story Time
Join us at Lapsit Story Time for stories, music, movement, and play intended to help develop and enhance early literacy skills and your baby's development.
Due to limited space in the Children's Program Rooms, groups (such as daycare centers) interested in story times need to make arrangements in advance by contacting the Children's Services Desk by phone at 309.590.6155 or e-mail at childrensstaff@bloomingtonlibrary.org.
Lapsit Story Time
Join us at Lapsit Story Time for stories, music, movement, and play intended to help develop and enhance early literacy skills and your baby's development.
Due to limited space in the Children's Program Rooms, groups (such as daycare centers) interested in story times need to make arrangements in advance by contacting the Children's Services Desk by phone at 309.590.6155 or e-mail at childrensstaff@bloomingtonlibrary.org.
Preschool Story Time
Preschool Story Time
Help your child build independent listening skills while learning and having fun! This story time -- recommended for children ages 3-5 years old -- will feature longer stories, flannel boards, music, puppets, and activities which will help get your pre-readers ready for school. Meet in Children's Program Room 2 at Bloomington Library.
Questions about this program can be emailed to Mr. Jesse at childrensstaff@bloomingtonlibrary.org.
Due to limited space in the Children's Program Rooms, groups (such as daycare centers) interested in story times need to make arrangements in advance by contacting the Children's Services Desk by phone at 309.590.6155 or e-mail at childrensstaff@bloomingtonlibrary.org.
Tales for Tails
This program pairs trained and certified therapy dogs with children in Grades K-5 who want to practice reading aloud.
There will be 4 time slots available for kids to meet and read to a pup in the Children's Department:
Recording Studio Basics
Bloomington Public Library has two new recording studios that are open to the public!
Toddler Story Time
Toddlers are always on the go! Come to story time to encourage their emerging skills with books, rhymes, music, and lots of movement activities.
Sensory Story Time
This inclusive story time offers stories, songs, and sensory-focused activities for children of all ages and abilities! After story time, stay for sensory play and socialization.
Dungeons & Dragons for Kids
This Dungeons & Dragons experience for kids in grades 3-5 will include a simplified, rules-light adventure.