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Book Club Kits

Book Club Kits

The Library offers more than 100 Book Club Kits. These kits include multiple copies of the same book, circulate for 60 days, and sometimes include discussion questions. Titles available include popular fiction, nonfiction, classics, and young adult novels.

Looking to join a book club hosted by Bloomington Library? Click Book Clubs for more details.

Book Clubs

Are these Kits only for established Library Book Clubs?

No! Anyone with a library card can check out a Book Club Kit.

Where can I find a list of all the Book Club Kit titles offered by the Library?

You can view a complete list of Book Club Kits in our catalog.

How many copies of a title are included in each Book Club Kit?

Most kits include 10 copies of the book, though some kits include less. You can view the number of copies in each kit as you scroll through our selection online. If you require additional copies for your Book Club, our staff can request additional copies from another library; please call 309.828.6091 or email for assistance.

How do I place a Book Club Kit on hold?

To place a hold, call 309.828.6091 or email You will need to note how many copies of a title you would like to check out. Patrons can check out all the copies available, or as few of the copies as needed.

How long can I keep a Book Club Kit?

Check out is 60 days to give your group plenty of time to read and discuss.

Can I renew a Book Club Kit?

Book Club Kits are not renewable, but with a checkout time of 60 days we believe you will have plenty of time to distribute, read, discuss, collect, and return the kit.