Tonight's Bookmobile Stops are Cancelled - 2.18.25

Due to extremely low temperatures, tonight's Bookmobile stops are cancelled. 
Cancelled stops include Oakwood and Laesch Acres.

Please call 309.590.6120 or text 309.446.8398 if you have questions. 

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AV2 World Languages eBooks

AV 2 World Languages logo

With more than 100 fully digital titles, AV2 World Languages offers children’s eBooks covering a vast amount of educational content. Titles are available in 14 languages with an option to also listen to an audio reading in each language. Patrons will click the title that interests them and then select the desired language once the book loads. This is a FREE resource; no library card is necessary to access AV2 Languages.

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BookFlix logo

These children's fiction and nonfiction pairings are designed to strengthen early literacy skills while exposing young learners to real world concepts. With colorful animation, rich audio, and interactive games, BookFlix is a perfect tool to engage and support beginning readers. Online tutorials are available. 


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eBooks from EBSCO

eBooks from EBSCO logo

Search from hundreds of titles that can be read online as eBooks from EBSCO gives you complete text and graphics of well-known reference books such as the "Idiot" guides. These items check out for a period of 1-3 weeks. Online tutorials are available. 


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Instantly borrow eAudiobooks, eBooks, comics, graphic novels, movies, TV shows, and music. Patrons can check out up to 7 Hoopla titles per month. All titles are always available; you never have to place a hold. Hoopla can be accessed on multiple devices including smart phones, tablets, Roku, FireTV, AndroidTV, Chromecast, AppleTV, and more. Online tutorials are available.

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Information Technology Collection (eBook Central)

Information Technology Collection (eBook Central) logo

Access nearly 7,000 eBooks with information about computer science, business, technology, and programming through Information technology Collection (eBook Central). Books can be read in a browser or downloaded to be read offline. 


View Information Technology Collection (eBook Central) Library Library logo

Access this collection of free eBooks for Illinois residents published by Illinois authors. Titles are always available, and there are no limits on checkouts. With Library, formerly known as Biblioboard, there's no waiting, just reading! NO LIBRARY CARD NEEDED! 

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ScienceFlix logo

Emphasizing the latest STEM thinking and Next Generation Science Standards, ScienceFlix is transforming the way students access science topics, acquire scientific knowledge, and build an abiding interest in science, technology, and engineering. 


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Tumblebooks logo

TumbleBooks has over 1100 titles for grades K-6, and includes our unique animated, talking picture books, read-along chapter books, non fiction books and videos, curated playlists, as well as books in Spanish and French. Plus, the collection features Graphic Novels – a student favorite! Online tutorials are available.  


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