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Book Club KitsBook Club Discussions
The Fiction Book Club will meet to discuss Book Lovers by Emily Henry.
The Books on Tap Book Club will meet at Lil Beaver Brewery to discuss When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill.
The Mystery Book Club will meet to discuss Deep Into the Dark by P. J. Tracy. Participants have the option to meet either in person at Bloomington Public Library or online via Zoom.
Are you looking for a book club without assigned reading?
Do you need a peaceful hour with a good book?
The True Colors Book Club will meet to discuss Singlets and Secrets by Joe Chianakas.
The Teen Genre Book Club will meet monthly to discuss a different genre of book, giving you more choice of what to read. Pick any book that fits the month's genre.
The Books on Tap Book Club will meet at Lil Beaver Brewery to discuss Between Two Moons by Aisha Abdel Gawad.