Tonight's Bookmobile Stops are Cancelled - 2.18.25

Due to extremely low temperatures, tonight's Bookmobile stops are cancelled. 
Cancelled stops include Oakwood and Laesch Acres.

Please call 309.590.6120 or text 309.446.8398 if you have questions. 

Wild Card Friday

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Online Program

Age Group:

Child, Baby & Toddler
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Wild Card Friday

What will we share? ... a winter-themed DIY?... a recorded story time? ... a travel update on Melvin's visits to new states and libraries? ... an installment of Book Smart Kids? 

At 10am, this pre-recorded program will be posted to the Children's Services at Bloomington Public Library Facebook Group! You can enjoy the program when it's posted at 10am or at a time that's convenient for your family.