Copying & Faxing Services are Currently Unavailable

The library’s copying & faxing services are currently unavailable.
A repair service has been called. At this time, we do not know when service will be restored.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please call 309.590.6168 with questions.


Primary tabs


Bloomington Library will be CLOSED Monday, May 13 through 5pm on Thursday, May 16.

  • The library will be closed ALL DAY from May 13-15.
  • The library will open at 5pm on May 16.

The Bookmobile will make its stops during these closures. Find the Bookmobile schedule at

The closure will allow us to begin to bring back and shelve 3,500 boxes of books which were moved to storage when our construction project began. Additional closures will be necessary and will be announced as details develop. Some collections may not be available until the move is complete.

During open hours, call 309.590.6120 or text 309.446.8398 with questions.