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UPDATE: A part was ordered and delivered. The fix was unsuccessful. We await further updates. Stay tuned ... 

Houseplant Swap @ Carlock Public Library

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In-Person Program

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Program Description

Houseplant Swap @ Carlock Public Library

Calling all Plant People! The popular BPL Plant Swap is back and being hosted by our friends at the Carlock Public Library! Enjoy a visit to this historic library as well as a meet-up with new plant friends. 

Plant swappers: bring your plants, cuttings and seeds to share, and take some new plants home. Introduce your plant to its new parent, and be ready to share information such as its name and its light, soil, and water preferences. Please label plants before the swap to save yourself some time.

If you need help keeping your plants happy, you can swap tips with other plant parents and check out a plant care book or two. 

  • 11am: Plants will be set out for viewing
  • 11:30am: Swapping starts (Don’t be late; the swap goes fast and can be over in a matter of minutes!)

Please note: The McLean County Extension Office has advised us not to share outdoor garden plants (dug up from your yard) at our plant swaps due to the invasive jumping worm in McLean county.  Please only bring houseplants and seeds!